Wednesday, July 31, 2019

40 Awesome Classroom Doors for Back to School

When it comes to classroom doors, some schools go wild with decorations—and others are forbidden to do so by the fire marshal. If you fall into the former category, you’re going to love the ideas below. And if door decorations are a no go because the fire marshal (or someone else being the fun police), check out these great bulletin boards!

1. Write It Out  

What a wonderful way to display your students’ names! The design is simple and perfect. 

2. 3-D and Crayons?! 

We’re so in love with this door, which features 3-D crayons that are coloring the door itself. What a clever design. 

3. Everyone Is Incredible 

Being incredible is a great theme in general, and with the recent release of the second movie, your students will actually understand the reference! 

4. Celebrate Math 

We love it when teachers are proud of their subject and display it proudly. 

5. Ready to Fly 

What a great, positive message for students. Help them fly this year!
This is ready for a door, and it’s also dog approved.

7. Positive Energy 

These are good reminders to give kids every single day. 

8. Beautiful Butterflies 

This really takes a standard classroom door to the next level. Those 3-D butterflies really make it gorgeous. 

9. Promote Sustainability 

The best part is the way this teacher reused old newspaper to transform the door. Very cool! 

10. Throwback to the ’80s 

These are not on doors, but they definitely could be. Look at that Donkey Kong! 
11. Bilingual Message
It’s a positive message and a wonderful way to display your incoming students’ names. You can put up any message that you want! 

12. Who Doesn’t Love a Minion?

We love the idea of turning your door into a minion! And you can switch out “Be Ambitious” for the value that you want students to develop this year, e.g., “Be Respectful,” “Be Diligent,” or “Be a Reader.”

13. We’re on the Road to Success!

 Awesome Classroom Doors For Back-To-School

Personalize this door by adding signs along the road with important school-year moments, such as the fall book fair, field trips, and other special days.

14. S’more Learning


With Styrofoam peanut “marshmallows,” this is a tactile way to welcome students to class.

15. Love for Pete 

He will always be a favorite! This design really works well because it’s big, bright, and friendly. 

16. Hopping Back to School

Nothing more than strategically cut butcher paper; all this jolly door needs is a lily pad painted on the floor.

17. Welcome to the Nest

Personalize this cozy door by having students decorate their own bird, write their name, and add one fact that makes them unique.

18. Stick Together 

Cacti are everywhere these days, and this door doesn’t disappoint!

19. Very Hungry Caterpillar 

This is a front and back design. Now this is some seriously #ClassroomDoorGoals. 

20. Celebrate Sports 

For all you sporty teachers out there, this is perfect for you. 

21. Be a Masterpiece

Inspire your student artists by mixing student work with paintings, drawings, or writings from the masters.

22. Learning and Growing 

It’s such a colorful design, and we love the rule incorporated, too. 

23. 3, 2, 1 …

 Awesome Classroom Doors For Back-To-School

Source: Unknown
Blast off! This door invites students into a world of new learning.

24. Back-to-School Supplies

Source: Mrs. Jessica
Everyone loves a crisp new crayon, and this door portrays all your students as vibrant colors in a Crayola pack.

25. Arrgh You Ready?

You can change out the pirate’s clothing throughout the year, or even make it seasonal! 

26. Give ‘Em Something to “Taco” About

Source: Learn Spanish
Grab some tan paper circles, red and green string, and the right border, and this tasty welcome is ready to go.

27. Llama Fan 

You have to recognize a good llama pun. This one is great! 

28. Just Popped by to Say Hello

 Awesome Classroom Doors For Back-To-School

Your students will love to see what’s poppin’ up in your grade! Trim yellow sticky notes to make the kernel shapes!

29. Chalk It Up 

Why yes, that is a chalkboard door, and the message can change daily if you want. 

30. Art Inspiration 

You don’t have to teach art to have this door. It’s so simple, yet so genius. 

31. Up, up and Away

Awesome Classroom Doors For Back-To-School

Source: Unknown
This Up-themed door will spark students’ imagination about all the places you’ll visit in books and lessons this year.

32. Welcome the New Bunch

Awesome Classroom Doors For Back-To-School

Apples are a back-to-school classic, and this door is a bushel of fun.

33. We Love Reading!

Pick your favorite quote about reading and go. You can never go wrong with a book door!

34. Everything’s Coming up Roses

Students will remember this bright, cheerful door long after the first day of school.

35. Autumn Back-to-School Theme

Source: Mrs. Hutchinson
This fall theme will keep your door fresh through October.

36. Learning a Latte 

This takes a love of Starbucks to a whole new level. 

37. Math + Kindness = Great Door 

It’s a clever spin on kindness. 

38. Spread Even More Kindness 

This one gets the students involved, too! 

39. Knock, Knock

Letter cutouts and fruit are all you need to start the year with a classic punch line.

40. Hang It Up 

This is a great idea to set up a way to share memories throughout the year.

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